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Creative Critique Programme

Constructive and robust critique sessions

  • Structured and supportive critiques based around Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluation.
  • Full support, education and assistance with our critique process for beginners and seasoned critique participants alike. 

Guided support over our 12 month programmes

  • Studio visits where possible and regular check-ins to hold you accountable and goal focused. 

  • Industry professionals are invited periodically throughout our programme for connection and to offer their unique perspectives.

Connect with your creative community

  • Expand your creative network with guided support from facilitators, industry professionals and participants.
  • Private group for sharing, events and connection.

How do we huddle?

The Artistry Huddle's kaupapa is tailored to fit around our busy schedules and support any practitioner, in any media, at any stage of their career. Full time employment? Us too! Busy families? Same! If you have a couple of hours a week to dedicate to your art practice, you can join us.

Our Programmes

All programmes are year long with online or in person options. 

Within our programmes we offer:

  • Monthly huddles, meeting every month for 10 months for consistent and regular connection.

  • Bi-monthly huddles, meeting every second month for those who want regular critiques but more time to make work.

  • Quarterly huddles, meeting four times throughout the year's programme for those who want a constructive check in to support their art practice.

Outside our huddles, we offer a private group for sharing exhibitions, community events plus studio visits to document and promote your creative practice.

The Huddles

If your programme is in person, prior to each huddle, your facilitators will have asked what display needs you have and let you know the order of critiques. With 8 participants, each huddle is 4 hours long including set up, afternoon tea and pack down. 

For online huddles, you will have a personalised file shared with your facilitator. Prior to each huddle, you will be prompted to upload photos of your work for critique to this file. There will be criteria and instructions for upload provided to you. For each huddle, a combined image file will be shared with you and you will use this to browse through the images during the critique. 

During each huddle your critique is 20 minutes long:

  • 5 minutes for you to present your work and discuss your concepts, media, successes and struggles.

  • 5 minutes for your fellow huddlers and facilitators to have a closer look and ask any questions.

  • 10 minutes for critique from fellow participants, industry professionals and your facilitator.

For any critique, you can request a cold read; a critique without prior explanation about the work. 

Our facilitators take notes during each critique and this gets emailed to you after the huddle. By the end of our programme you will have a complete document outlining your development over the year.

Upcoming Programmes

All our programmes are 12 months long. If the monetary investment is a barrier to your participation, please get in contact with us. We have payment plans available. 

Monthly Huddles - Tauranga

More info coming soon!

Monthly Huddles - Kirikiriroa (Hamilton) 2025

More info coming soon!

Monthly Huddles - Te Awamutu 

More info coming soon!

Past Programmes

Monthly Huddles - Tauranga 2024

January 2024 - December 2024

Facilitator: Liz Cooper

Monthly Huddles - Te Awamutu  2022 - 2023

July 2022 - June 2023

Bi-Monthly Huddles - Online

January 2023 - December 2023

About us

Kia ora! My name is Kate. I am an artist and art educator living in Waikato and the face behind The Artistry Huddle.

I struggled to keep up with my art practice once I graduated from tertiary education and it took support from my peers and many late nights to create my way out of that slump. Several years later, I was in another lull and I completed a residency to work my way back to art I was excited about making.

I am grateful for the opportunities I had to keep on track, but have often thought there needs to be more tailored and regular support for busy creatives that find themselves in these inevitable spaces in their career. 

Regular and constructive huddles to provide support, connect and critique work is what The Artistry Huddle is here to give you. For any practitioner, in any part of their career, anywhere in Aotearoa.

The Artistry Huddle wants to see you grow and develop your creative practice with the support of facilitators, fellow huddlers and your creative community.


Juliann Smith

Illustrator and 22-23 Huddler

"My work and confidence has already improved since the start of the programme as I am encouraged to talk about my own work and others."


Eve Macfarlane

Artist, 3x Olympian and 22-23 Huddler

"I have gained so much already, the monthly meet ups are a great way to hold accountability, but not only that, I’ve gained invaluable feedback on my work to help me develop from too."

Lynette Fisher

Painter and 22-23 Huddler

"The connections I make in these sessions are invaluable to broadening my practice."

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